Strategic Planning

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Is your board or business operating without a plan?
Is your last plan collecting dust on a shelf because there was no implementation plan?
Have your needs changed in the current market?
Are you comfortable that you have a measurement mechanism for your plan
and that the measurements are reported/acted on in a timely manner?

A strategic plan takes more than one quick session and a nice binder that finds a permanent home on a shelf. A proper strategic plan is a process and is referenced ideally at every board meeting, providing the blueprint for decisions made all year. Natalie will help you build it and have a plan to USE it. She will ask the probing questions and work with you toward the best solutions. Natalie isn’t a consultant who dictates what you need to do, but rather works beside you – she can help you look at issues from an outside perspective and with a deep interest in your success. 

Natalie will work with boards or businesses to:
• Ensure a focused and productive planning session
• Help you achieve higher levels of performance
• Create or evolve a board’s mission, vision, and/or core values
• Complete a SWOT analysis
• Build strategic objectives
• Develop ideas and plans to achieve objectives
• Identify short and long term goals and strategic growth opportunities
• Guide you in being able to make a case for the tough or controversial decisions
• Avoid past failures

Natalie’s strategic planning services can be delivered in a variety of ways:
• Half-day, full-day or multi-day strategic planning sessions
• Core value, mission, and vision workshops

Please contact Natalie today for a complimentary consultation meeting to discuss your board’s needs and the next steps. (315) 723-0999 or email