Board Governance

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Is your board stifled by an ‘it’s always been done this way’ philosophy?
Are you finding it difficult to meet quorum, energize committees, or recruit new members?
Are board members unclear of their roles?
Are your board meetings more show than strategic substance?
Is your board unified in its strategic direction?

Natalie can assist a board in moving to the next level.
She has served on and led many high-performing boards, served for many years in non-profit executive director roles, and has consulted with boards, so she has experience from all perspectives.

Natalie will work with boards to:
• Clarify their governance vs. operational role
• Identify areas of improvement
• Educate board members on their duties and responsibilities
• Get the right information to make decisions that meet their fiduciary responsibility
• Develop plans to achieve objectives
• Increase engagement of members
• Complete a board self-assessment
• Determine fundraising goals
• Help implement recruitment strategies to make your board its strongest
• Help determine priorities, measurable goals, and ways to gauge success
• Define/develop an effective partnership between the board and Executive Director/CEO
• Become a well-informed board with the proper tools and knowledge to succeed

She will work with executive directors to:
• Clarify their role with the board
• Implement processes and tools to strengthen communications and relationships
• Share tools and tips to increase results

Natalie’s board governance services can be designed to meet your organization’s needs:
• Half-day, full-day, or multi-day board retreats
• Board governance education sessions
• One-on-one interviews with board members
• Custom sessions or workshops based on need

Please contact Natalie today for a complimentary consultation meeting to discuss your board’s needs and the next steps. (315) 723-0999 or email